Roque Benjamín Fernández
(Argentina)Born on April 30, 1947 in Argentina, Mr. Fernández holds a Ph. D., Department of Economics, University of Chicago, 1975. He also holds the degree of Doctor en Ciencias Económicas. Departamento de Economía. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Argentina, 1972. Fellowships include: The University of Chicago, Department of Economics, Latin-American Fund. Ford Fundation, 1972 – 1973; Organization of American States, Fellowship for graduate studies in Economics, 1974 – 1975. Currently he serves as Director of the Department of Accounting, Universidad del Centro de Estudios Macroeconómicos, since 2000. From 1996 to 1999 he served as Minister of Economy and Public Works and Services. At the Banco Central de la República Argentina he served as Vicepresident (1989), Director (1990) and President (1991). He is the President of the Board of Directors of Centro de Estudios Macroeconómicos de Argentina since 1986, and served as Professor of Macroeconomics and International Finance at the Center since 1978, Research Director in 1978 – 1980, and Managing Director, 1980 – 1984. He is a Member of the Academic Board, Universidad San Andrés. Buenos Aires, since 1988. He has also served as World Bank Consultant, Financial Development Division, Industry Department. Research Department and Area Departments, since 1981. He was Visiting Professor, Macroeconomics at the University of Southern California, Department of Economics,1985 – 1987. He was Visiting Professor of Macroeconomics, International Monetary Theory, and International Economic Integration at Florida International University, Department of Economics, 1984. He also worked at the International Monetary Fund, Financial Sudies Division, Research Department (1977 – 1978) and Western Hemisphere Department (1976 – 1977); United Nations, Latin American Institute for Economic and Social Planning, Expert in General Economic Policy, 1975 – 1976; Universidad de Chile. Instituto de Economía. Profesor de Econometría, 1976; Universidad Católica de Chile. Instituto de Economía, Profesor de Macroeconomía y Econometría, 1975 – 1976; Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Investigador Instituto de Matemática y Estadística, 1969 – 1972; Ministerio de Desarrollo, Gobierno de Córdoba, Jefe de Departamento de Proyectos de Desarrollo. Mr. Fernández authored the following books: Inflación y Estabilidad: El Tipo de Cambio como Instrumento de Estabilización. Joint authorship with Carlos A. Rodriguez. Ediciones Macchi, 1982. Crecer en Libertad: Ensayos en Economía Política. Ediciones el Cronista Comercial, 1987. He has also published many papers in highly prestigious reviews, newspapers and magazines: Policy under Variable Returns to Scale with Sector Specific Capital”